With the pandemic, the way of doing business has changed in every sector. Within the scope of health measures, our ways of doing business have become more digital with travel restrictions. Foreign trade, in the new normal, was carried out mostly over the internet. Digitalization has shortened the distances, accelerated the process, and made it practical, but many companies still keep their distance from digital solutions whether they be right or wrong. In this article, we will look at ‘7 Reasons Why People Don’t Trust Digital Solutions in Foreign Trade’. 

1. Lack of companies from your target audience as promised

Although it is said that “There are companies from all over the world and from every sector”, you may not find enough companies in the system for the products you want to sell or buy. Sometimes there are even customers in these systems that do not exist in the real world. Digital platforms typically prefer quantity (sheer numbers) over reliability. Companies can be taken into the system without being questioned and checked, regardless of whether they are real and/or reliable, so that the lists look crowded.

2. The company lists you purchased are not approved, that is, unreliable.

If the list of companies you purchased does not include reliable companies approved by local chambers of commerce, this may mislead you. Although it is in your own target audience, the quality of the list is very important as well. Are the listed companies registered in chambers of commerce? How safe are these companies and can you actually trade sustainably with them? Just like the customers in the system are not reliable, the product requests & offers may not be real either.

3. Outdated lists

If the lists on the digital platform are not up-to-date, and if the companies have changed the way they trade or maybe even stopped their foreign trade activities, you will waste time with such lists. Listings may be in your target market, but companies open and close over time. Sometimes their contact information or even their names can change. How current is the information on the list? How important are the updates, how often are they made?

4. Sharing the info mails of the companies instead of sharing the direct contact addresses of the decision-makers with you

Having direct contact addresses of decision-makers saves you time and warms your communication. It would be a waste of time for you to try to reach the contact addresses of these people yourself. If you are importing, you want to talk to your potential customer’s import-export manager, you do not want to contact the secretary or accounting. When the personal contact information is not given, it would be a waste of time for the member to try to reach this information him/herself.

5. The use of digital platforms is not as easy as said

If it takes a lot of time, this would not be a smart step for you to search for companies in your target market, to research the reliability of these companies, and question the up-to-dateness of information in the list. Or if you spend hours posting a product offer/request, it’s not a profitable investment either. If the digital solution you use does not have a mobile application and you cannot use the application on your mobile phone, this will also waste your time.

6. Not being able to establish a sustainable relationship

If companies are introduced into the system “en masse”, they may not be aware that they are in the system. When you communicate with these companies, it becomes a cold and insecure form of communication. These systems can take in opportunistic companies without caring about the quality of the members in order to make the member list look crowded. Many companies do not use these systems actively, do not publish good product offers and all their information, because they look at these systems as a side element. You cannot do a sustainable and safe trade with these companies.

7. Not getting a return on your investment​

Although these systems provide certain benefits, most of the time, very meaningful results cannot be obtained from these systems due to the 6 reasons mentioned above. However, many of these systems charge you quite a high annual subscription fee of around $1000. Because of this, you often do not get a return on your investment.

How Does Coimex Solve These Problems?

The reason for the existence of Coimex is to ensure that its members carry out foreign trade through a reliable digital platform, with trustable companies, and in a sustainable way. Coimex offers you the opportunity to do foreign trade with companies that are carefully selected and approved as a result of cooperation with local chambers of commerce, few in number but high in quality. Since your communication with your customers is made through the Coimex system and both parties are members of the same community, a trustable communication and sustainable trading environment is established from the very beginning.

Thanks to Coimex, you communicate directly with the decision-makers in the system and communicate with them one-on-one, based on warmth and trust. When you become a member of the Coimex system, you also get the opportunity to chat one-on-one and live with the decision-makers of the companies via the mobile application. The Coimex platform also has a mobile application that anyone can easily use. Thus, even if you do not have a great knowledge of digital, you can start using the application easily, immediately, through customer service and videos explaining how to use the system.

Thanks to Coimex, you can do foreign trade with quality, reliable and real companies in a safe environment and with real demands. Thus, you can easily and economically perform sustainable trading on a secure digital platform. You can also find answers to questions that may come to your mind before making your membership decision in this article.

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