Learn how to find customers and boost exports with digital tools and strategies. Discover proven techniques to grow your business globally.
No matter what sector it operates in, digital transformation is deemed absolutely necessary in the world we live in today.
Gulfood fair was very dull this year compared to the previous years. In this interview, we will convey to you the fair observations of Abdurrahim Özgen, the owner of Bizim Anadolu Kuruyemiş, who participated in this year’s Gulfood Food Fair as a visitor and is also a member of Coimex.
Physical activities and travels were restricted within the scope of health measures due to the pandemic.
Payment methods in foreign trade are internationally valid payment methods applied at the stages of payment of the cost of the goods by the importer and shipment by…
Do you have difficulty following the digital world due to the ever-evolving technology? Do you know how to create a digital asset for foreign trade? Here are the…